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Premium Photoshop Gold Text Styles

Along with hipster-like stuff, there’s continually a place for true luxury, typified by the brightness of gold, by the red carpet and also the ambiance of the award ceremony. Guess, nothing will replace the sensation of feeling when you stare at the glamourous billboards want you were there as a vicinity of that sparkling world. And we’re actually happy to be able to move you nearer to the current world with these exactly crafted Photoshop text styles – for special occasions about. Indeed, they’re dead shiny, conspicuous , and simple to use – you wish only one click to use and luxuriate in the result.


  • 3 PSD Files
  • 300dpi RGB
  • Fully Editable
  • Smart object layers

Author : Jonas Stensgaard
Sizes : 17 MB
Type : Gold, Chrome, Silver, Glitter
License : Free use
Download File Format : Zip File

Download “3 gold text” Downloaded 2171 times – 17 MB

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